Who We Are?

The purpose of this foundation is to provide assistance to women or children that are low income, medically disabled, or suffering the effects of chronic illness and depilating diseases, as well as abused women and their children.

We will provide assistance for certain targeted low income individuals which include abused women and children along with those suffering from disabling chronic illness (such as multiple sclerosis, Chrohn’s disease, lupus erythematosus, and debilitating conditions resulting from celiac disease) the Foundation will provide assistance by paying for rent, food, caregivers, medical expenses transportation to medical providers and tuition and school supplies.

Such recipients of this assistance will not be limited to any particular individuals or groups. They will be selected by the directors of the Foundation from time to time and will receive such assistance as permitted by the operating budget of the Foundation.


Who Is Lorene Poss?

Lorene Poss was raised in a small town in Texas in the early 1900’s. She was married with four young children when her husband contracted polio and became disabled. She worked all day picking cotton in the hot Texas sun to put food on the table, and in the evenings used Sister Kenny’s physical treatment for polio on her husband.

This involved hours of muscle massage and the use of hot pads to keep the body from becoming paralyzed. This method worked and her husband eventually was able to walk again with the help of a cane.

Lorene was a devoted Christian with a strong work ethic, and she taught her children and grandchildren that all things were possible with God, good values, and hard work.